Why Craniosacral Therapy?

One of my clients regularly book Craniosacral Sessions, she has chronic issues with TMJ Disorder, leaky gut syndrome, headaches/migraines, ongoing pain from number of accidents. She has a clean diet, gets regular exercise, has a close-knit family and friends, though she frequently suffers from anxiety and depression. For her, the sessions help settle her central nervous system allowing her body time to heal and recover. After her sessions, she can finally let go of the tension she has been holding on to.

So many of my clients work in agriculture, the demand of constant physical labor takes a toll on their bodies: sciatica, low back pain, chronic neck, and shoulder issues. If they maintain regular sessions, they can allow themselves to relax enough so they can keep on working. 

The craniosacral system, comprising the cranium, sacrum, spine, and CSF, controls the internal environment of the brain and the functioning of the whole body. Think of anything in life that causes restrictions within this system, it could be falls, accidents, even from birth. The spinal column is a bit like a garden hose when you get a kink in a garden hose the water does not move. When we get a kink in our spinal column the CSF does not flow well, causing dysfunction in the body. 

Our bodies covered by a connective tissue layer know as fascia; it holds everything in place. Just like saran wrap when it pulls in one direction, everything else goes with it.  

With Craniosacral Therapy, like osteopathy, it brings the body back to a place where it can self-heal and self-correct. Craniosacral Therapy is the modality that people go to when the others have failed. If you have chronic issues with stress, tension, anxiety, and have found little relief, CST could be a good fit for you. 

I was referred for CST because I had fractured my skull as a child and had had numerous concussions from car wrecks. For me, receiving CST is like someone hitting the reset button on the computer. Everything runs smoother, the sky seems bluer, things that was weighing on me seem easier. 

For my clients who maintain regular CST sessions, it is a way to maintain a healthy lifestyle free from restrictions that would prevent them from meeting all the demands of life. Through my studies and constant practice, CST can be a good starting point for what ails you, anything that is affected by the CNS, CST can benefit.


Why Self-Care Isn’t Selfish